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Steal your face: The dangers of identity theft

By Eric J. Sinrod
November 10, 2004

Steal your face: The dangers of identity theft

By Eric J. Sinrod
November 10, 2004

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According to the FTC, there were 9.9 million victims of identity theft in the United States alone last year. That figure likely understates the magnitude of the problem. But despite repeated warnings, most consumers are not willing to do what it takes to implement security precautions needed to combat this growing threat.

This point is driven home by a very recent Identity Management Survey conducted by the Ponemon Institute, a think tank dedicated to advancing responsible information management practices for business and government. Among other significant findings, the survey reveals that more than 70% of consumers will share information -- including name, address, postal code, phone number or account number -- or will answer security questions in response to unsolicited phone calls or e-mails.

Moreover, 61% of consumers do not want to change their passwords periodically, even if such a practice would enhance their security. In addition, 57% of consumers do not want the benefit of having their accounts locked down after three failed attempts to provide identification verification information. Sixty-six percent of those polled believe that it is worse to endure the inconvenience of being denied access due to a systems glitch than it is to be given access without having proof of identity.

Plainly, most consumers are not interested in putting forth the effort needed for identification verification processes that are intended to protect their own identity and personal information.Still, the majority of consumers are at least open-minded to alternative methods of identification management. More than 69% are open to the concept of using biometrics for identity management, with 19% uncertain, and 12% averse.

Of those willing to accept biometric identification methods, 88% are in favor of this technology because it is convenient and because they are not required to remember different passwords. Eighty-eight percent are willing to try finger print identification, and 84% are interested in voice recognition as better methods of biometric identification due to speed and convenience. More than 75% of consumers are of the view that a single secure and private identification credential issued by a trusted organization would ensure convenience in establishing their identity in multiple contexts. Thus, most consumers are most interested in identification protection when it easy and convenient.

While consumers currently are not sufficiently protecting themselves and are disclosing personal and identifying information quite readily, they still state that they value the protection of their personal privacy. For example, 84% want to be notified when an organization concludes that an unauthorized person has had access to their information. Seventy-seven percent expect organizations to have strong identification safeguards in place. Consumers, in the following percentages, believe that the following types of businesses should have strong identification and authentication safeguards in place: law enforcement (94%), credit card companies (94%), hospitals and medical clinics (91%), banks (89%), and airlines (84%).

Consumers, therefore, certainly want others to protect them — but as revealed by the study, most consumers do not want to put much of a burden on themselves.

In many ways, the choice is up to individual consumers. Either they can take reasonable steps to protect identity theft, or they risk losing valuable private, identifiable information, such as credit cards numbers, social security numbers — or who knows? As the Grateful Dead sang, it figuratively could go so far that someone might just "steal your face."

Eric Sinrod is a partner in the San Francisco office of Duane Morris (, where he focuses on litigation matters of various types, including information technology disputes. His column appears Wednesdays at His Web site is, and he can be reached at . To receive a weekly e-mail link to Mr. Sinrod's columns, please send an e-mail with the word Subscribe in the Subject line to .

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