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Bylined Articles

Lawmakers flooded with email from citizens

By Eric J. Sinrod
August 3, 2005

Lawmakers flooded with email from citizens

By Eric J. Sinrod
August 3, 2005

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The good news is that with the advent of the Internet and email, it certainly is easier, faster and cheaper for citizens to voice their concerns with members of Congress. The bad news is that Congress now is flooded with electronic communications and is without corresponding resources to cope. According to a recent report by the Congressional Management Foundation, Congress received four times more communications in 2004 than it did in 2005, with all of the increase emanating from Internet-based communications. During this decade, notwithstanding the exponential increase in communications, staffing levels at Congressional members' personal offices did not change. The number of communications received by Congress reached a phenomenal 200,388,993 in 2004. That is practically one communication from each man, woman and child in the United States that year.

Not surprisingly, even though overall staffing levels have not change appreciably, 73% of Congressional offices report that they spend more time on constituent communications than they did even two years ago. Also, about 50% of House and Senate senior managers report that their offices have had to reallocate resources to respond to communications over the past two years. Of course, this means that these reallocated resources are deprived from their original functions. And even still, only 17% of House offices and 38% of Senate offices state that they answer all received email with responsive email.

In spite of the deluge of electronic communications, 79% of Congressional staff recognize that the Internet has made it easier for citizens to become involved in public policy, and 55% believe that the Internet has increased public understanding of the workings of the federal government. Furthermore, 48% believe that the Internet has made members of Congress more responsive to their constituents.

Congressional staff members do have concerns about identical electronic communications that are generated from lists. Half of these staff believe that many of these identical communications are sent without constituent knowledge or consent. Furthermore, staff members state their belief that personalized or individualized messages to Congress have more influence on the decision-making process of Congressional members than do identical form letters. Obviously, quality is more important than quantity when it comes to contacting Congress.

Members of Congress should recognize the power of the Internet. Just as they can reach out to their constituents online, by way of Web sites and email (see, for example, Senator Hillary Clinton's new Web site), they can readily take the temperature of and learn from their constituents by receiving, reviewing, digesting and responding to constituent email. Congressional members should ensure that they are dedicating sufficient resources and technology to get this job done.

Eric Sinrod is a partner in the San Francisco office of Duane Morris (, where he focuses on litigation matters of various types, including information technology disputes. His column appears Wednesdays at His Web site is, and he can be reached at . To receive a weekly e-mail link to Mr. Sinrod's columns, please send an e-mail with the word Subscribe in the Subject line to .

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